I think coming back from vacation is one of the toughest things to do. Think about it, one minute you’re kicking back, chillin’, not a care in the world then all of a sudden Monday morning comes and BAM you are back in it. It is so much easier to slow down and go away than come back to the chaos.
Sure, after a week or so you get your rhythm back and settle down in to your routine but until that happens, you feel like you are trying to get solid footing in the middle of a tornado.
Several years ago I read an article (not sure where) discussing the benefits of not taking time off, the article suggested maintaining the same daily routine. The claim was we could function better without the disruption and stress of starting and stopping our daily habits and schedules; up every day at the same time, work the same hours each day, and go to bed at the same time each night.
It makes sense many of our ancestors followed this routine and managed to make it work. It also sounds boring, same thing same time every day. I don’t know about you but I like to mix it up, I like to get away, I like to sleep late some days, I like to change my routine it keeps it fresh and exciting.
Still, coming back to work after some time off is a bear.